The sky has darkened to its usual night shade
The stars have risen to stand proud
Peace seems to fall lovingly like soft snow
It kissed my cheeks, whispered in my ear
It played with strands of my equally dark hair
Moist on my lips it wiped away the parched cruelty of ages
The eyes that held gloom once
Have smiled a little
Causing the eyelashes to flutter
And for once my heart settled
My head nestled in the kindness of universe
Blanketing me
it promised affection
Reminding me how compassion felt like
How an unknowing smile
made me smile
How a slightest crinkle of eyes
Warmed me from inside
Thank you for staying right by my side
When even I have left my side
Thank you for bearing with all silver lies
You were there
You don't know
But you were there
When I hid myself and disappeared
You were always there
Smiling and a little more smiling