Patience by Prose
There used to be less life in my paper
A split between my spirit and my text
More frustration over my pent up self
And the fog that was my identity
See as time’s streams carried me I
Have dipped my toes compulsively
As to measure just how much I
Miss and pass and lose and forget
So I rushed my writing
Void of my persona
Unaware that it was
I who was chasing me
Then I took halt
Broke down my thought
In my effort
To relearn my
And I relit
Emerged in bloom
Yet kept such pace
What I am now after
May not be in crystal
But on paper I am
And persist to be so
Writing with these segments of mine
Provides the clearest translation
For the abstractions within my
Brain and heart and soul and being
What I have learned from the poet’s practice
Is to pace my thoughts with some gentleness
And for what little that had taken me
Will promote the growth of an expressed mind