A path most wouldnt take
I tooke a pth most wouldn't
its calm and familiar to me
although most would disagree
many can't handle the path i take in life
filled with darkness but light all around
i always see the light on my path eventhough,
i always stay closer to the darknes.
darkness keeps me experencing danger
the light keeps me alive yet never truly living
if you hold my hand i can show you the light in darkness
most can't see it but you could if you only knew.
Your kind is so amuzed
yet still confused by what you live with
i know the pain in life
the ups and downs my path will take
so i walk on the sharp unforgiving rocks in the dark
instead of the smooth walkway filled with light
yet i know someday i'll end in the same place as you
eventhough i chose a path most wouldnt take.