I learned to stay passive, like the times grown eyes watch when threats were attaching to me until a lack of breath. They pour more pain then I suck it up to toughen up. But I always feel weeker because it comes closer to my agony.I stay in my place barely standing with their high heels on my back.And they expect me to get over it without a single sorry. They force me to say sorry for letting them beat me because they tell me it’s could be for my own good while their anti-bullying campaign hangs on their wall.And then they kept me saying sorry because speaking up means I’m just like them.But now I’m really sorry,Sorry for being the hated one, but when I told them to stop, when I ask for grown eyes help they would blame me for fighting with my words. I want them to live how they made me feel, lifeless so you wouldn’t feel life.I want them to live what they made of me, so you can blink and till a flash of darkness is looking back at them.I really want to live it all again but let reverse the roles and see if you can even see your same future, and maybe you can turn to be a person like me. And I will hate you just because I hated you and grown eyes will make you come out like me.Passive as they want you to be.