
My arm is only complete when the
Pen is in my hand. It is an extension
Of not just my body, but also of my soul.
An instrument sent from my spiritual origin
That gives me an outlet, allows me to
Speak unutterable thoughts and innermost
Desires without moving my lips. The delicate,
Snow-white paper is the best listener
That I know, a confidant who will not and
Cannot reveal my deepest secrets. I need to
Relinquish my suppressed thoughts, to
Purge away the guilt for the crimes which I did
Not commit. With every letter that
The Liberator strokes onto the
Stationary, I feel more and more relieved.
With every word that is said but not spoken, I feel
More and more empowered, and with every sentence
That the immortal device documents, an additional
Building block is laid, and slowly the foundation
Of a larger design is constructed.
The harmony is natural. The pen is in complete synchronization
With my hand and my being, and with every stain that I make
On the paper I develop and create an idea, a theory or
A plan so unique, so innovative because it is mine
And I, along with everyone else, am an original.
Inspiring to others because it comes from the root of
My soul, a place where thoughts formulate, thoughts that
Are usually inexpressible. Thoughts that, if able to be
Articulated, will not be spoken or heard because
They are ‘inappropriate’ or unacceptable by social
Standards. Too honest, too profound that their
Authenticity, truthfulness, and possibilities defy
Human calculation and therefore often frighten us more
Than Death himself. But I write, and other artists
Write because we put passion before anything
Else. We don’t need proof to know that passion
Gives us the courage and the knowledge to conquer
All fears that any idea, so real and so ingenious,
Can produce. Gives us the strength to break all
Boundaries, triumph all social norms, restraints
And expectations. By writing, I inspire myself
And others to explore and expand such ideas to
Indefinite lengths. And in the process we grow
As humans, become more enhanced, enriched
And enlightened versions of ourselves that we
Could have never envisioned ourselves becoming.
When I write, I lose all inhibitions and release
All painful emotions and longings from
The pit of my being. When I write, I create
Ideas, and ideas are immortal. When I write,
I leave behind my legacy.
When I write
I am


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