Participation (I Love Art Class)
I always got my best grades in art class
Participation grades are where it's at because
As a below-average student, even I could pass
I always got my best grades in art class.
I was never the worst and never the best
And I think maybe that's why it hurt so much less
Than any class I'd had before
I didn't feel quite as dumb
But math and science dont come quite as easily
All my friends, they passed algebra breezily
While I asked questions I'd asked the times previously
But it still didn't make any sense-
And I know I'm mess
Three different teachers told me three different times
That my repeat questions were a waste of their time
And speaking of time, isn't this your third time taking this class?
You're starting to become a pain in my-
If you've repeated this class and you still don't get it
You never will, you should just forget it
Some people are just stupid- I get it, I get it...
But don't come back to this class. You'll regret it.
They try to understand, but when students are hectic
Its hard to deal with a struggling dyslexic
Whose answers may vary from "she tried" to "what the heck", it
Seems impossible to teach someone with questions so "ecltectic".
I stare down at my F's- or maybe they're B's-
And forget that my motto is "C's get degrees"
All because of that lonely A
That my mom will hang on the fridge to display
I love art class and participation grades
I admire my choices of tints, use of shades-
And that no one has asked me about the interesting hues
And no one has asked my why the apple is blue
And they think I'm creative because they don't know the truth
I'm colorblind.
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you're an A student to God
being dyslexic is what the world labels you as
God labels you as His child that loves and blesses you with gifts
it's how you use it, and glorify The Lord
promote this poem on my group mvp
you are a magnificent writer
i don't know if you're the tri state area, but there's an open mic next friday in the bronx
one of the saddest things in life is wasted talent
everything you do will shape your life forever
nothing you do is pointless
continue to write off what you know and be bold, be fearless like paul when he convey God's words to people who were lost
do me a favor , check out my poems and see if my work inspires/touches your heart