Part of me
I am a new born child,
one that lives in Christ,
I've changed over time,
with the help of his love,
I had been so lost,
a few years ago,
my life crummbled to the ground,
when my friends left witout a sound,
I felt so alone,
so I cried to the Lord,
I asked him to send,
a friend,
one who would not hurt me,
it took a little while,
but after six months,
I started talking to this boy,
who was also a Christian fellow,
he was nice to me and genuine,
so I gave him a chance,
we started dating,
and that changed everything,
from that point on,
I've been happier than ever,
I'm encouraged and supported,
and accepted for who I am,
He helps me with my music,
and relationship with God,
he listens to me when I'm sad,
and always makes me smile,
I have one person to thank for this,
and that is Jesus Christ,
for had this boy cross my path,
and reminded me the purpose of life,
I am a new born child,
one that lives in Christ,
I've changed over time,
with the help of his love.