Look at the sky, the azure blue sky,
From the time you were an infant without acuity,
Till the day you curl up and die,
The sky will be a continuity,
Unlike many things in life.
Friendships will falter,
Stability will give way to penetrating vulneralibity,
Many will kneel at an altar,
While religion gives ambiguity,
Like many things in life.
However, the love of a Father,
The stronghold of security,
And the gentle hug of a Mother,
The warm kiss of therapy,
Will never cease, even in strife.
No matter the situation,
Or the times,
The recognition of Love needs a foundation,
The bond between parents and child becoming a relation,
And a shoulder to turn to when you cry.
However much you dislike your parents,
However much you may battle,
They are the ones with assurances,
They are the ones who's name you will carve on your mantle,
They are the ones that will bee with you until they die.