When everything around me is dark and meaningless
Yet on the inside I feel a burning brightness
My emotions so strong
So incendiary
That they light my heart on fire
And the smoke rises up, clouding my mind
I silently struggle
Searching for a release
But when it comes to speaking my vulnerabilities
My mouth is a closed off chimney
That not even a Christmas miracle can open up
So how can I vent
When the vents in the home of my mind are sealed
When I began to write
I had finally opened up an outlet that cleared my head
The cool, refreshing ink taught me how to put out the wildfires of my heart
The parched paper has a thirst for prose
A thirst only quenched by the blood, sweat, and tears within the ink of my being
Raw emotion
I attempt to transfer it to the pen
Relieving myself of the pain and tattooing it forever on the paper
The fire from within me causes the words on the paper to glow
Shedding a guiding light in the darkness and confusion of my world