Paper People
What Would You Change Scholarship Slam
“Paper People” by Sarah DiTorrice
It was a strange thing
I was walking down the street
When my mind stumbled
And all of the sudden I was stuck
In a world where money
Was essential to living
And breathing
And I was gasping and choking
Because, you know
Air costs money, too.
I turned out my pockets desperately
But all I found was generosity and kindness
Worthless things I threw aside.
I begged people on the street
For a dime, a nickel, a penny
And they looked at me
With their paper eyes
And paper minds
And paper hearts
Uneffected and unimpressed.
I tried to eat; I attempted to sleep
But it turns out you need money for that, too.
So quite quickly I became cemented to the streets
Like my limbs had been coated
In molten gold
That weighed me down and burned my skin.
I frantically tried to contain it
Before anyone on the street took notice
After days of passing through me.
But the gold started seeping into my skin
And hitched a ride on my veins
Which traveled promptly to my heart
And as I continued on
Pushed aside by gold diggers and thieves
Paper eyes on the hunt
I chuckled to myself
And beat my heart of gold.