paper lanterns
every brush of your fingertips
stained her skin like permanent ink
each kiss stealing her breath
and robbing her of her fight
and though she knew she was nothing
nothing but a bookmark in the novel
of your lovers past
nothing but a dog-eared page
destined to be forgotten
she wanted you to stay
when you left she wanted nothing more
than to beg you to come back
because you carelessly left your words
hanging in the air like a thousand incomplete paper lanterns
your words unforgivingly, sweetly insincere
each four letter l-word
enunciated with the severity of a bed of needles
"like" or "love" or "lust"
no word hung from her tongue with more fervency
than "loss"
nails hooked into her ridges like a desperate hiker
she wouldn't dare call a cliff hanger
because you both knew how this would end
with crumpled sheets
and watery eyes
and empty hands
and empty bed
with emotions as displaced
as the girl you left