by Jaylen Espinoza
You paint me every day
Since I was born
Tell me what I am
Who I can be
And not to stray or be torn
The paint is heavy
Each stroke on my canvas
Yet no one repairs
Colors and textures apply
And fade
Yet you still paint me
I am in pain
I want to be free
To paint my own canvas
But you like control
Of what’s on the surface
I try and I try
To wipe my slate clean
But yet again you paint me
Till I tear clean
I fall through
And I am an empty slot
Not their mold
Not their canvas
But an image
Of them I’m not
You bicker
You yell
You tell me I’m your burden
Walk without “our” paint
Or you’ll be uncertain
I throw away their splots
And dash their brushes
Run from their colors
Of black and bruises
As I turn around
I face what I see
DaRk black canvas
Staring back at me
Who is that darkness?
What is that I see?
That is what raised me
My dark family
I tell them no more
I don’t want your paint
I can be me
And paint my own paint
They slowly fade away
Into the blackness they belong
I open the door
And hear a new song
New paint and new colors
New doors and new people
Vibrant colors and pastels
These are my people
I paint myself blue
I paint myself white
I paint myself pink
Because that’s who I am inside