Painful Illusions
An Illusion is defined by something that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived
Or interpreted by the senses
I was once like that, dillusioned and deceived
Thanks to my naivity, I had faced dired consequences
Thanks to my desperation for love
And complete and disolate void in my heart called loneliness
I had forgot my love for my Saviour above
My whole life had become codious
I was constantly stuck in my own imagination
Wanting to talk to people but at the same time not wanting to
Constantly suffering from social starvation
Turning to the internet was my cue
For a while, I was at my happiest
Talking to people I had never met behind a black Dell monitor
We were young and my friends were the friendliest
A young girl never realized what would bomb soon on her
Now, I have no friends
Thanks to a discovery
I have to start all over again and make amends
It'll be one hell of a long recovery