Pain Won't Last
If you really knew me,
You'd recognize the pain in my eyes
From every word, every lie, every part of me that tried to hide...
From you
And your goons
From my tormentors and my thieves.
Stealing my smile
Stealing my joy
Taunting my passion
Hating my fashion
I'm unacceptable because I don't look like you...
And I would listen to what'd they say,
so many days I wondered if suicide was the way.
I looked longingly at the bridge
Trying to force myself to fall off
But some how I kept perseverance
Forgetting your claims about my appearance
Then it hit me.
If I stay, you lose
I get things done my way
So I'm Going home
I'm not falling off this bridge today
Look At Me Now
Go ahead and wipe the tears from my eyes.
As I bend down to pick up my pride.
But then I look back.
Get mad at the thought of my past.
Go back and chase my enemy,
warp speed, like my name was the Flash...
Flashback to when I was the victim...
The sight of his blood makes me remember,
when I was the rare steak that they wanted for dinner
They were undead vampies but still looked down on me as the sinner.
So with my fist still clenched
Watching 'em flinch
Listening to 'em wince
The sound of their pain rings so familiar to me
Like music to my ears
Their bruises are Picasso's to my vision
I know it's a jacked up system
Karma's a witch here to spell bind us to this place
We've all tried to ditch.
But it doesn't make sense
Cause if what goes around really does come around
Then why am I,
The original victim,
Now the bad guy?
Fast Forward
So now I'm living my life.
Nice house
Nice car
Yea, I'm living large
But my heart still haunts me,
My demons they still taunt me
I've tried to drown them in my tears,
but they've learned to swim
So I drive myself crazy
All the voices in my head make life real foggy
Real hazy.
I've never done drugs, but if this is what high feels like
Then put me back on the ground
I wanna be stable
I miss the time when peace was just putting in headphones and ride
Maybe down a block or two
Or just chilling in your room
'Cuz when life hits it's like all the weight
It's now on you
And you don't know what to do
So you wait and you pray
Looking for answers in everyway.
Then like her last swing of your last fight
You realize,
No pain ever lasts forever