Deep, dark, desperate days
Moments pass slow and dreary
Repetitive runs, memory replays
Consciousness has never been so scary
Nights last longer than they're supposed to
We toss and turn in bed
Sad, fearful, and angry combinations
Inner voices scream through our head
We beg for air, we drown in pain
This aching never stops
Misunderstood and failing to abstain
Drugs taken 'til we drop
Awake in agony, life fails to get easier
Something is wrong with us
Misery levels are reaching excelsior
We are completely lost
Days and nights blend together
Darkness takes over sunlight
Is it worth living like this forever-
When nothing is going right?
What's the point, why am I here
These questions in our head
Imbalanced and sad, but no longer in fear
No longer in constant dread
It doesn't get easier, it doesn't get better
We keep telling ourselves
No one understands this pain we feel
And no one can really help
Used to the sadness, expecting nothing more
Wake, suffer, sleep
Unconscious is all we strive for
Depressed and obsolete
But I won't accept it, I will not let it be
These problems within myself
Life cannot be this depressing,
I need to get some help
Little hope, little care, little desire at all
But the little I have, I will use
I will not continue to fall prey
-To this constant pain, this constant abuse
I refuse to live this like anymore
I will push forward despite it all
There has to be a better way
Another life unknown, not impossible
I will allow for any guidance,
any help of any kind
Belief in a fighting chance
refuse to live a colorful life blind
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