Over the years I have
Over the years I have been young, but not young minded
I have been strong, but not full of power at all times.
I have grown and glown over time; swifter than
you could count to nine.
Over the years I have been observant of my surroundings.
Losing friends, losing close family members all due to me
growing and seeing what are the true happenings they
have rewind.
Day by day it becomes as clear as a mirror, I have terror in me as once before.
Growing up it maybe hard to process losing people you wanted
to be around forever but once again as I said before each year,
you become more clever.
Grow and glow, don’t be Afraid to show.
To show the truth within you, to show the ability of maturity and growth.
Sometimes you become to advanced, as you I grow into a young woman within
my plans.
I grow and glow, show the people that doubted and crowded
me with lies and disbelief within myself.
I can do it!
You can do it!
We can do it!
Create your GROWTH and GLOW process