This is our poem
This poem isn't about depression.
This poem isn't about a confession.
This isn't a sad poem.
This isn't another one of my Ho hums.
This is me opening up.
Telling you to raise your cup.
Praise for those whom have passed.
We all know that their having a blast.
This poem is for the fallen ones.
This poem is for forgotten reruns.
This is a poem that brightens my soul.
This is a rockers rock n’ roll.
My happiness is back.
Lets all just cut each other some slack.
Learn to love thy neighbor.
Stop making each other live in hard labor.
This poem is for us all.
This poem if for those short and tall.
This is our fighting anthems.
This is to fight all of our phantoms.
Now just remember this poem, from here and later.
Don’t be the balloon and others the deflators.
You are a wonderful human being.
This is the part where I am leaving.