On our foreheads
Dear Reader:
"Our globe is full of sadness and a lack of understanding,"
Says the news and high school,
But also service and ideas and hugs,
When you think about it.
So what do I want to change?
In the purest form, I want to understand the needs of others.
I can't fix their debt, family issues, or past
But I want to know who needs someone to eat lunch with
Or who wants to cry with me
Or just needs a hug.
A fast hug as we pass each other to go to our classes
Or a really long hug until they let go.
I want to know who wants to talk and
Who wants to have a minute to themselves to think.
Although I want these things very much,
There are only so many things I can see and guess
And pick up from their words and body language.
So I have this IDEA.
I found the idea when I wanted other people to understand my needs.
I want to put a sticker on my forehead:
"Claire, look my in the eyes when I talk today."
"Nobody talk to me until I've put down my book."
"I just need one good hug, Jaden."
"Help me with my physics homework."
"Bring me brownies."
"Let me tell you about my argument with my cousin."
And then I thought, if EVERYBODY had these stickers on their forehead,
I'd be able to provide for them
What I may not have realized they needed before.
I want to help them.
Sometimes I need blunt communication like stickers to understand how, though.
That's what I would change.
Maybe only I could see the stickers,
Maybe some people would just hand me theirs in the morning
So it wasn't a label.
I would want them, too.
I don't know all the technicalities yet,
But I know that's what I would change.
It's a small change, I know, but I could go so far with the sticker idea.
I could help them all so much more.
And that would maybe help them in their schoolwork
Or improve their relationships with their siblings
Or be able to face each new day with just an ounce more of hope.
Because one of my stickers is,
"I really need to know what you need today."