Our Fault Lines
I fear faults
But only in myself
Because there are certain qualities
A person should not be
So leaving me with dosages of empathy
Paired with a default of submissiveness
Leaves me with black eyes
And burned fingertips
(This isn't about you)
When I noticed you
And the faults you held
I never wanted you
To feel the way I do
So I suppressed myself
To give your fault lines
More room
(This isn't about you)
But you never did the same for me
You called me out on my detriments
Told me to stop being this and that
You said not to be me
As if my past catastrophes
Were shallow enough
To be washed away
(This isn't about you)
You wore me down
And I breathed it in
As my own solecism
Like a sponge absorbing
All the debris surrounding me
You told me it was my fault
For being born into this mind, this body,
This me based off of
Bad circumstances
Dirt smeared on bloody knees
And a tendency
To need forgiveness
Over offenses
That are not my own
(This isn't about you)
I am at risk
But there is no cure for submissiveness
When you're a haphazard pile of broken glass
And you're taught your place
Is beneath someone else's ass
Through someone's empty beer bottle
Or someone's forgotten text
Through the phrase "who cares?"
And "get over it"
And broken promises
I succumbed to believe in
(This isn't about you)
I apologize when you take the scalpel
To my heart
And I apologize when I try to sew up
Your paper cut
(This isn't about you)
I'm a prisoner in my own war
That's been plaguing me for years
No one has won, and the casualties increase
As I'm screaming out for bandages
That no one ever brings
You gaze at my wounds through clouded eyes
And place the bandaid over someone more important
(This isn't about you)
I'll never hate you
I'll only hate this war
And if you think this is about you...
It's not.