Our Battle
I fight a battle everyday with every nerd I meet.
I speak of the injustice done to me and my kind.
So many powerful women built to be puppets in a one sided, one focused universe.
Where are the portrayals of our grandeur? When will our glory be sung?
Can the Amazon princess not fly? Does she not possess super strength and discipline?
Does the one with wings of hawk not instill fear in her opponents?
The demon that was sent to destroy our world, can she not posses enough power yet to save it?
The adaptable blue one, is she not as intelligent as she is stealthy?
The weather witch can summon the powers of the earth yet is given very little thought by them.
Our opponents response to my fury is most recently phrases like: “well you have to think of the time period”
My rebuttal, “what does the time period have to do with every female character being clad in lingerie or naked. “
“What does the time period have to do with changing a characters wardrobe or lack there of to be depended on a male characters opinion of her body? Are my history books wrong? Last time I check this has nothing to do with the 60s”
We are not sex objects.
We are a part of the audience and we demand respect.
We will fight the inaccurate and boring illustration that attempts to define us.
We will continue to battle their one sided illusion of who we are and who we should be.
I will fight to see my kind portrayed with glory.
We are not objects.
We are not sex.
We are warriors worthy of our own grandeur.
Join me in the campaign.