The Other Side of Perfection
Blonde hair, blue eyes,
six feet tall, legs that touch the skies.
What more could a girl want?
Small town, rich family,
lots of friends, a boyfriend named stanley.
How much more blessed could a girl be?
Good grades, future bright,
good at sports, smile full of light.
Could she ask for much more?
senior year, college paid for,
summer is almost here, can't wait to open a new door.
Does she have any worries?
Tan skin, model body,
Bright red lips, perfect button nose.
Who wouldn't love her?
Her life is perfect,
who wouldn't envy her?
If they didn't really know her?
She walks the streets alone.
With a past as cold as stone.
She puts on a face,
and hides her scars in lace.
If she let the past show through,
what would she look like?
She wants to get over it,
But instead she just lets the feelings sit.
She can't tell her friends,
They would never believe her, or know what to do.
She can't tell her mother,
she died when she was two.
She can't tell father,
he doesn't ever look at her.
He sees her as a little girl,
becaus he hasn't truely seen her in ten years.
Her boyfriend is captain of the footbal team.
His perfect muscles gleam.
But she knows the power behind those muscles.
How he gets when he needs to blow off steam.
She hides behind her smile,
this will only last a while.
She starts to get sad,
and this makes her do things that are bad.
She uses her dads pocket knife.
She feels the pain release.
She thinks it is helping,
but inside she knows she knows it's wrong.
She gets so depressed.
She reaches for the knife,
but instead grabs the bottle.
She downs them all.
She doesn't want to feel this pain anymore.
She doesn't want to be so sad deep in her core.
She took all the pills,
and now, her suffering is no more.