OscaR. I.nky AndrE. (Rest In Eternity)
You were an amazing man of God.
From bangin' 8 Trays to Krumpin' to praise
I miss your humor, I miss your smile
I can't see you no' more, but only for a while
It was a while anyway, there's not that much to say
But I'll always love you for your humilty
So much energy! So much passion!
Thats why negativity was always clashin
Lord have mercy to who shot your head
I'mma leave it at that, no more said.
Apperance reminds me of Frankenstien
Gentle giant, crazy and kind
Literally tattooed from head to toe, even your face had a lot to show
Sorry for when the church misjudged you, religious people had no right to
If only you and yo' homies weren't drunk in the car, could've had a taxi pick you up from a bar
The scary thing is my brother could've crashed with you, but he stayed home from the party & twatched your Twitter too.
Y.O.L.O. isn't a motto as an excuse to die, that's why that rumor of the accident being your fault was a lie
Short, light-skinned, & tatted ex-Eastside Crip
Was always rappin' but man did you have a smart lip!
Constantly teased me on our ways to class, used to piss me off, but your life story gave you a pass
Loved it when you called me "Maggie The Great!", wish you were there for my 18th birthday, but now it's too late
I still have the picture of us clownin on my sweet 16th, I'm just happy you don't have to forever deal with gnashing of teeth
Lord knows how I'm upset with TMZ, recorded you gettin shot for breaking up a fight that was crazy
Shouldn't have watched it, trying to heal from it since, glad the killer is locked up for killing such a prince
I wish I was at your candle lighting and funeral to mourn, it's only by God's power that I'm not scorn............................
To 3 of my angles, Oscar (Oscar Duncan), Inky (Ervin McMinis) Andre (Andre Lowe) Rest in Eternity and I love you all.