Oreo Cheesecake
Dear Kaitlyn
Remember that cake you made me for my birthday?
It was a cheesecake
You promise to make it for me
Well, more like promised to take my order
More like "Hey my birthday is coming up
You should make a cheesecake with oreos
Do you remember how that was
During the bus ride?
A bus ride after you disappeared for about 3 months
Well I remember that cheesecake
You gave it to me on my birthday
I saw you in the guidance office
After you had disappeared for
Another two weeks
But you remembered my birthday
And I remember that day, as the day
You were kicked out of school
Excuse me withdrawn
I'll always remember how
On that day you called your sister
Asked her to come get you
You were kicked out of school
You weren't upset
It was a matter-of-fact
What were you going to do
I remember the white witch barging in
As you waited for your ride
And told you, you couldn't come back
What, do you need to hear it from me?
You broke the contract
You're out of here
You can't come back
And she rushed you out of there
Not before I made you make one more promise
A promise any teenager should be able to keep
Text me
Call me
Contact me
And you promised
But you never did
Well you remember that cheesecake?
It had an Oreo crust
And it was a chocolate vanilla swirl
I would tell you it was delivious
But you don't like to answer text messages
So I'll tell you it was disgusting
It was the nastiest cheesecake I've ever eaten
I can never eat cheesecake again
Because it'll remind me of your cheesecake
It was too smooth
Too creamy
It went down my throat like silk
It made you eat more and more
Untill you were halfway done
And all you had to prove you'd actually eaten it
was a dirty fork
And that dry feeling of emptiness
And everybite of the cheesecake
Left that same disgusting bitter taste
Of loss
The reminder that I've lost a friend
You're gone
That I'm graduating
And I don't know where you live
I don't have a way of communicating with you
And this is probably the end
And I'll tell you
That cheesecake flavor was too strong
I was tasting it for weeks and weeks to come
I couldn't go and finish it
One, because it was just too bitter
And two, because it always made my food
taste like oreo cheesecake