Every day we take one step closer to death
All of us are dying, but we are also living
How do we know we are living?
Growing, changing, hurting, loving, wanting.
Every day we take one step closer to death
All of us wake up, start the day, not knowing which will be the last
How do we not fall apart?
Hoping, leaping, aching, praying
Every day we take one step closer to life
All of us have a chance to learn, adapt, move, change, be
How do we miss these opportunities?
Caught up in our petty lives, ingoring the truth that is in front of us
Every day we take one step closer to life
All of us have to reach out and take the day that is offered
How do we move forward?
Using, practicing, trying, searching
Every day is a new day
All of us have a chance to start fresh
How will you carpe this diem?
By starting, now.