It's hard to imagine a world where opinions dont matter
Where what you feel is more than obvious
And that love was always mutual
It's heartbreaking to knoe that no matter how hard one tries there's always a downfall or
negative flaw
Doesnt matter how hard you fall there's no one to catch you
And the feelings aren't always assumed but must be said for the ears to hear
So with that being said I've laid it down on all papers had dit heard by all ears and even
then you still couldn't hear
I know that your sight was almost intact and your ears heard all well but was the issue
my name or the peron it held for that i wasn't quite sure
I struggless and foughgt but the outcome was none
Always came back with less and I fought back with more
So I whisper it now annd I'll whisper it always I love you my love hope someday it'll
not only be mine but your voice saying it always