Only Me
From my young age
When I was insecure,
I saw the world
And wanted more.
But love and kindness
I did not see.
No, I only wanted
More for me.
As I grew up
And began to fear,
I realized I didn’t
Want to be here.
Angry and bitter
To the bone.
I craved more for me,
And me alone.
But one day
I saw a man,
Who carried
On his back a lamb.
Though injured
And covered in mud,
He held it close
And wiped away its blood.
I watched with awe
In shocked surprise,
And found
I could not sympathize.
How could that man
Display such care,
When it can never pay him back-
This service is unfair!
I asked the man
How he came
To care for a filthy lamb.
Only help yourself
I say,
Life is much easier
That way.
He turned my way
With loving eyes;
A knowing look,
And answered no replies.
But continued
To hold his sheep
With a look of pure love-
Enough to make me weep.
Confused and touched
I walked away.
But looking back
On it today,
My eyes are open;
I now can see,
The lamb the man cared for
Was me.