One Year Of Hope And Fear
It seems to me as though time moves too fast.
Indeed, it seems to go too slow.
Odd, it seems, that the good times never seem to last.
Away they go into the infinite time flow.
A year ago, a break up.
A year ago a future bright.
A year ago my hopes were up.
But then came that night.
Awards, scholarships, AP classes, a job, tutoring,
a club to run, this is not fun.
A love for family turned to hating.
What's going on? This is no fun.
A confrontation and a promise made.
I do not trust, for I must not be deceived again.
But judgement is a double-edged blade.
With every strike, it brings me pain.
But with every strike, I learn a little more.
A message from the Lord on high.
I plot and plan to settle a score,
but my own judgement is nigh.
Will you, can you, make a difference?
Will you, can you, forgive so vast a transgression?
I will, I shall. The clouds part and the sun shines.
But happiness lasts no more than a day.
The clouds come back.
But why? Why give that ray?
A puzzle it seems, with a piece that I lack.
Perhaps it was God's grace in that ray,
for now I see what it is I lack.
May this next year be brighter than the latter.