One more year on stage
I enter the stage once again
I look around me, nothing but friends.
I look straight ahead, I see my directors
I remember the people who got sold to Vector.
I see the blinding lights, the black stage
I see the curtains, the ones that have aged.
I remember the feeling, the rush of the show.
I remember the acting, the hit of a blow.
The hit of the zombie play, the first one I was in.
Now we've moved on, and now I have to carry a tin.
I remember the sparkle in everyones eyes
The show with the dancing, the dresses and the ties.
I remember the faces of my nervous comrades
The competition we were in, the faces of villans in combat.
I won't forget all these new faces, nor the old ones.
We now carry their burden, it weighs tons.
We will one day leave this place, this place of magic.
The place of friends, the place where we always panic.
They must carry the legacy, the new children born
Into this art, the one that's never been torn.
We will live on once more, for another year.
One more year of laughs, blood and tears.
One more year of stupidity, seriousness and anger
One more year of hanging up the banner.
The banner that shows all we've been through
One more year, to look at everything, everyone too.
All the hard work.. 4 years of life.
Spent on the stage, spent in good time.
I'll remember you all, I will never forget what you've taught me.
You've taught me... To be me.