One Job
Jobs mean many things
From stability to money
From a home to food
From a livelihood to a family
To me that one job means freedom
It means that I have the freedom to choose
The freedom to make my own path
To chose my own destiny
To work for my own life
To become my own person
That job can be the difference between
a good and bad life
enough money to get by or enough money for a family
a small apartment or a home
food or water
electric or dark
one job can change someones lives
Especially if that life is mine
My dream job is to be a Libriarian at the Library of congress
To presserve others dreams,
to tell about others destinies
to tell the story that so many are no longer able to tell
The job would mean me being someone who relives the past in form of stories
instead of leaving the stories behind in the past.