Is This One It?
I feel happy
Like I have the world between my hands
I express myself well enough
But I can't be bothered to complain
Some days I feel sad
Like the world is passing me by
I distance myself from everything
And cover my head
Days like those come and go
I'll probably never learn to say no
The emotions well up an I feel like an individual
The words just come to me, and I write them all down
I think of death very often
I think of all the things that I can change
But will either of those two make a difference?
I think not, but I can always try
These four stanzas are all so serious
So let me lighten your hearts with these next words
I am not suicidal or bipolar
There is nothing wrong with me
But everytime I seem to say something meaningful
People stare at me
When I'm acting out of the norm
They all think there is something wrong with me
They shrug my words off and laugh
It makes me uncomfortable and frustrated
Times like these, I feel creative
Times like these, I write poetry
To set my annoyance loose
In front of their faces
And smirk when they have no idea as to what I am refering to
It brings me such joy to see the color drain from their faces