One Hand Willing To Help
Enjoying class, I don't see that happen often anymore.
All I hear is leactures, long lectures that are boring to the core.
Whatever happen to the excitement in learning?
Now, all we care about is grades
There is no yearning, for supportive teachers anymore,
I feel as though they do the minimum and hit the door.
Whatever happened to the DREAM TEAM,
The teachers who were ready to go to war?
Now, they can be plain mean.Sometimes, I just want to scream and YELL
Because this arithmetic and science can make you sickly pale.
But with the help of supportive and determined teachers, I am sure I cannot fail.
Teachers are experts at helping. They know their stuff extremely well.
All I ask for Christmas is for teachers that care.
Someone that just wont quit and bail ... on me!
If they are down for the ride of my education,
I know I am destined to succeed and make it!