Once upon a time
Ill be your snow white in eternal sleep
You think you can save me because you love me deep
But my soul is as black as rumplestilkens heart
I'm no one you can love
true love is only a part of a fairy tale start
So don't wait for my nose to grow
I'm not lying like pinocchio
soon Ill be little red riding hood, food for wolfs only
I will not be saved by the lumberjack or not even
the hero robin hood
When you find me you'll beg fairy godmother
to bring me back
But dead is dead
And I think doctor frankenstein doesn't exist in this world - yet
So throw me into the sea and start to grief don't worry
Ill be just like the little mermaid free under the sea
My hair will glow like it was rapunzels and
my soul will dance like cinderella while
my body will spend eternity on neverland