Once upon a time
Once upon a time, there was a young black man named Marcus. Marcus grew up just wanting to be the best he could possibly be, to make his parents proud and to help end all of their struggles. Marcus dream job was to become the next Tinker Hatfield, the new face of the sneaker design industry. So Marcus followed his path and goals and began doing what was needed to get the job done. Marcus worked hard day in and day out to pursue his dreams to become the next big sneaker designer. From staying up all night studying for his exams or creating new types of designs that one day he hoped would be on the feet of every child in the world. Marcus dreamed of making the next trendy shoe but yet affordable for anyone no matter, their financial situation could afford. So Marcus worked hard and graduated college with a bachelor degree in Industrial Design. After graduation, Marcus worked his heart and soul out to get an internship at some type of shoe company. Marcus got turned down plenty of times but never let failure stop him. Marcus continued creating and applying for positions until he finally got an internship at Nike. Marcus then worked his way from the bottom of the company up. By being mentored by the great Tinker Hatfield to helping him design the next big shoe. That everyone around the world was able to obtain.