[once upon a time]
magic beans magic beans
drip drop from a young boy’s hands
like water trickling from the leaky faucet sky
the beanstalk crawls tall towards the ceiling of the world
soars past the atmosphere into the great unknown of space
stars surrounding the dense leafy green stem
light years away it seems to keep going and growing until
it attaches itself to an earth-like planet
my son is gone where is my son
jack come back come back jack
jack has befriended some alien seeming non-human being
in a place so vast and covered with rich resources
water oil crops all of which the greedy man would kill to get their hands on
so they do
the alien planet is in danger and jack must save his new companions from destruction
he chops and chops and chops the great stalk down
it falls and falls and falls into the dark depths of a black hole land
cutting off the connection between human and extraterrestrial
jack builds himself a safe new home for him and his lovely mother
knock knock knock on their front door
ding dong hurry up open up
outside stands a stranger cloaked in starry shadows
my dears, could i interest you in some
magic beans magic beans?