Once Upon Everyday
Once upon every day
I open my eyes
and I jump out of bed
I throw open my curtains
open my windows
and draw in a breath
The morning is just blooming
over the buildings up above
I go into the kitchen
to make a concoction of such an aroma
that I can't help but smile at the smell of it all
I savor each bite
then go out the door
I walk along the streets
my head tilting upward
looking at my companion, the clouds drifting on by
When I reach my destination I give one last look
before I say goodbye
Inside I go
Time flying by as I paint my way through canvases
each brush stroke bleeding into the next
Until it is time to leave my world of creation behind
Back out the door I go
But this time as I look up I say hello
to my new companion full of stars up above
We walk along the streets roaming until I make it back home
Inside and up the elevator to my humble abode
I go into the kitchen to begin my next creation
savoring its every bite as I do with the sun
and as I now do with the moon up above
As I sit perched next to my window
the last of my meal seeping away
I drift off to sleep
remembering my day
Once upon every day
I am present
I am happy
and I am thankful for the joy that greets me in my day