Older Now
I moved away
I moved far far away
2,525 miles away to be exact.
It was my choice, though.
I wanted to go to school on the other coast.
It was always so glamourized
The glitz
The glam
The fame
The fortune
It was all so exciting to me at the time
I thought I could conquer the world.
Then fall passed
With all its excitement
Of new air
New faces
Picturesque places
And winter hit.
I was cold.
My first holidays not in the hometown.
Paying bills got harder.
Juggling two jobs,
Trying to make new friends
Losing touch with old ones.
I'd stay up late at night
Pictures that seemed like yesterday turning nearly two years old
I'd think to myself
"We were just kids then,
we're so much older now"
More videos
More pictures
And I saw it turn from
"Can't wait for"
"Take me back when"