
Doubt swirls around in my head.
Whether what I'm doing is wrong instead.
I'm trying to figure out what I want.
But it's hard when my feelings get lost in thought.
I feel like I don't know what's going on anymore.
Like I'm tossing and turning and being thrown over board.
Though when I'm with you everything makes sense.
Until I have a moment where things make me depressed.
I wish I could read minds to know what you think.
Because maybe then I would be able to sleep.
I just want you to hold me tight.
And tell me everything will be alright.
But knowing what I know is hard.
It makes this fight even more large.
When I know I'm fighting for something that could turn out a loss.
I guess it's hard to see each others sides.
Even when we try.
It's hard to fully understand.
I feel lost in a sea of confusion.
Which was is up
Which way is down.
I feel like I'm all turned around.
I fell hard and now I'm being tossed back and forth.
Wondering how this will turn out.
Waiting is a difficult task.
But when it's for someone you love.
Isn't it worth the masks.
And through the love and hate of just myself.
Maybe I'm wrong and this will all turn out.
Or maybe I'm trying to find a string.
To pull myself out because I can't swim.
But at least I'm here.
I'm not lost yet.
At least not fully.
But don't bet yet.
There's still hope left inside.
Maybe hearts don't have to die.
Love will prevail I hear in the distance.
As I hope and pray that this is the resistance.
So I sit here and wait.
No matter how late.
Till the blues go away.
And hopefully then, everything will be okay.

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