Oh What? Nope. No. Title
Am I not pretty enough
Am I not creative enough
Am I not what you want
What is wrong with me
I'm not what you want I know this
I'm just a caterpillar in your sea of butterflies. Invisable
I'll never know what it's like to be with someone who cares
My heart wanted someone who cared
but my mind knew it could never happen
And my eyes saw that to be true
Whatever happened to the age of the gentlemen
Men were once sweet, caring, and kind
but now their stupid, horny, and imaature
They don't know what a real relationship is
The ones who do care are either already in a relationship
or just don't exist
And then there are girls like me
left to ourselves to find our "soulmate"
who probably lives on the opposite side of the world having their hearts
set on a girl who doesn't even acknowledge their existance
It's sad because I know this isn't true
but it mind as well be.