Ode to Darth Vader Pez Dispenser
Oh Darth Vader Pez dispenser
Lying empty on a desk
No more small candies to give
You smile coyly up at me
Wishing to be refilled
To be useful yet again
Sadly I have none to give you
But you served me well
Oh Darth Vader Pez dispenser
Lying empty in a room
You held the sweetest treats
Pinks and yellows, oranges too
Tell me what flavor did you serve
Cherry, strawberry, grape?
Lemon, orange, raspberry?
You served me well
Oh Darth Vader Pez dispenser
Held in her chubby hands
A child beams down at you
Flipping the lid for a treat
To her surprise finds one left
It melts onto her tongue
And she smiles with glee
You served her well
Oh Darth Vader Pez dispenser
An older brother’s gift
From a little girl
To fill his days with delight
You still lie empty in wait
Of the treats to bring joy
To this unsuspecting boy
You’ll serve him well
Oh Darth Vader Pez dispenser
Filled to the brim with pink pills
Not the pez like you have been
High schoolers don't favor sweet and sour thrills
They want different treats
Ones that will get them high
Ones that will take them away
You serve them well
Oh Darth Vader Pez dispenser
An older brother looks at you idyll
His smile is genuine
He took four little pills from you
He knows not what sadness is
Saldy he doesn’t care
That these treats don't regard his life
But you still serve him well
Oh Darth Vader Pez dispenser
You are his best friend on hard days
You bring him happiness
Yet you take something from him
His time, he is running out of time
Every smile is a year less
Every joy a bittersweet fallacy
You continue to serve him well
Oh Darth Vader Pez dispenser
You gave him what he wanted
A smile in the end
He closed his eyes and that was it
Bad days are dangerous ones
But he knows no more
His smile forever there
You served him well
Oh Darth Vader Pez dispenser
Lying empty on a desk
No more small pills to give
You smile coyly up at me
Wishing to be refilled
To be useful yet again
I have none to give you
You served him too well