Numbers and Letters
Pencil, booklet, answer sheet
Will they be my victory or my defeat
When you start the timer, my hearts starts to race
When I'm 10 minute behind the class, you tell me to pick up the pace
Don't give us the 5 minute warning, it'll just stress us out
It's a miracle our test score don't bring your spirits down
So many sheets of test prep given to all of us
But it never works, you know that, so why all the fuss
In fourth grade we got Mentos, in sixth we just relaxed
Why do teachers even care if we know our facts
You took tests too, didn't you, and they must have made you scared
So listen to us when we say the questions just aren't fair
Why is it that when you're in school, it's all numbers and letters
If you did more of what we like school would be so much better
My life isn't all letters and numbers, when you look deeper there's much more
Let this be our lesson to you; this isn't what school is for