Now That Summer is Gone


United States
35° 40' 7.788" N, 108° 55' 35.2272" W

Now that summer is gone and fall is quick on her coat tails, we find ourselves sinking into despair as quickly as the temperature drops. 

But not I.

When summer is gone and winter has come there will be mornings with untouched snow. 

Fresh powder, untouched by boots, and untouched by the world.

When summer is gone and winter has come there will be sweaters.

Warm, fuzzy sweaters, the kind that almost make you wish that winter would last forever... almost

When summer is gone and winter has come there will be curling up under the blankets.

Bundled up to my ears and then still opting to have a blanket so that I can curl up to read my favorite book.

When summer is gone and winter has come there will be snow days with my siblings. 

Running, jumping chasing through the house, all to fall and be consumed by giggles.

When summer has gone and winter has come there will be new faces.

New classes, new people, new stories.

When summer has gone and winter has come there will be long talks over lunch.

Rushing from class to where it is warm, too cold to go outside, there is nothing left to do but talk.

When summer has gone and winter has come I will be happy.



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