Novelty Novel
To you, am I simply just another novel?
Just another story that you start and quickly get bored of?
I know you love to read, or so you say.
You see the cover and read the summary.
“Seems good to me.”
You keep books as decorations,
and pair them with declarations of how you will get to them one day.
You buy a new book, start a new story before you've even finished the last.
"I'll get back to it," you say.
And you're lucky that that book will stay,
So that you will always have the choice to go back to it one day.
Let me be the novel that you finish, but will always want to read again.
Let me be your favorite one.
Do more than skim through my pages.
Don't set me down after you've read only a couple chapters.
Don't let me become another lonely novel whose pages were never explored.
I promise I could be so much more than what you’re looking for.