Nothing Can Stop Him From Dreaming
A child looks out, but the walls go up.
Shut in for protection,
Not the soldiers on the street
With their shining boots, cold guns, batons, and harsh language,
But from himself and his dreams
Crammed into the cold darkness around him
But nothing can stop him from dreaming.
It was never like this before
When dreams where free to become reality.
But now it is Heil this and Heil that.
There is no rest for the rested.
But nothing can stop him from dreaming
His is a dream of normalcy.
A life is not lived hidden away
But with others who pave the way.
He wishes to run and shout
But he fears and doubts
That the men on the street,
Meant to serve and protect
Might hear his silent plea for normalcy,
But nothing can keep him from dreaming
No man, country or ideology
Can keep him from dreaming.
Neither mental walls nor parental guards
Can keep him from the fall
Which is destined to come running down the hall.
And it will take them all
By complete and utter surprise,
Quiet possibly to their demise.
But nothing can stop him from dreaming