Notes on the Windigo
Before hath shorn
Of heartache born
And all will scorn
For thou art torn
Notes on the Windigo
Do you know the Windigo?
A beast so low
ye ought to know his plight.
He hath no ally in the depth of the night,
the sole locale in which he may reside.
He dares not possess, or love, or feel;
for all that he touches is made to kneel
Before death
Is there hope for the Windigo?
Can he ever be a man who can know
The highs and lows of the world of light.
Where men do wonders whomever they might
And pleasure and fate are naught to be scarce
And love
And fear
And women art doves
And men art sheer
Yet the joined overcome the strange, sad hearse
Of death
Wherefore then is the Windigo
The man so low that all should know?
What’s the reason of his permeance
In the lives of men and the legends since
Perhaps there can be made some form of sense
Though what you have’s not what you wish
At least you have it, and naught purposelessness
And death
Now gone is the Windigo
And the poorest curse to overflow
Where he once was, lies now by chance
An image of you, if you take a glance
For what you’ve lost is rent in pieces
Your love
Your fear
Your soul has vanished to above
Your devil smiles from ear to ear
And all you make are masterpieces
For death