Not That Man
All my life I’ve been told
Nothing but good things
How smart, funny, and handsome I am
The success I’ll bring
So I play my role
As this funny, confident man
So therefore there is no one
Who can bring down who I am
My grades look good
My GPA is just fine
I make my friends laugh
I have good management of time
That’s right, love me
For I have plenty of great traits
I am the example of the man
Those mothers want their daughters to date
Then someone pulled it back
They weren’t meant to see
This illusion everyone created
Is not the real me
So now they’ve uncovered
The insecurities and fears
They see my present and past
My pain and my tears
Does dad have enough money
To pay for school?
Should I talk to that girl?
Will I be made a fool?
Are my clothes stylish?
Does my hair look dumb?
Do I have an unbalance
Between work and fun?
Wait, that’s enough
I’ve shown too much
You’ve seen the man
That is in need of a crutch
No, I refuse to be that man
That you have seen
For the man that I am
Is just an illusion you see