Not Just Black and White

My Life online would make you think

I have it altogether, 

But I don't.


When I take the artsy style photo

And add the Black and White Filter

I might be perfect,

But I'm not.


Behind the make-up and 

The Grey scale tones, 

I am not perfect

I am fighting and everyday battle

But losing.


I want to be strong to post without

The Black and White 

But would you accept me?


You accept me with Grey scale,

You comment "just gorgeous"

But are you really seeing me?


I wanted to stand up

And be strong

But I was weak. 


I wanted to laugh at all your jokes

But I could only cry.


So how can I stand up for one thing

Yet do another?




So I will stand up, I WILL STAND UP!!

But what if I fall?


What if I'm not accepted without 

the grey scale tones?


Because I am not just Black and White.

I am Creative but messy at the same time.


I am sarcastic, but it can

Come off as rude occasionally.


I am white, with a little bit of German, 

Native American and Irish in me.


I am me and I am not 

Just Black and White.


So I will stand up.

I will show you who I am, 

But if I fall I will not stay down.


I am not just Black and White.


If you stop commenting on my photos, 

Then you never really saw me.


I am not just Black and White.


And if you find yourself fighting the same battle

And losing. just remember....



This poem is about: 
My community
Guide that inspired this poem: 


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