This is NOT a Cliche!
this is no cliche
says the DJ as he's playing songs
messing with my heart, pulling my wrongs
I don't know what's going on
but you take me away
with the spirit of the muse
I am no longer afraid to achieve or lose
Because I've done better from time to time
so bring me to the light and play my song
just like lover's without sight
I wanna have fun and not worry
about the slightest fight
because I'm tired of being sad
tired of being mad
give me a chance, I promise it will be rad
this is no cliche
says the DJ
but I'm feeling it right
I might be in love tonight
but then again I'm young so why not take a chance?
I told the DJ keep playing music
today I decided to be free
free of being sad
free of being mad
trust me, I'm quite rad.