To Not Be Alone
When life is no longer mine save the series of smiles
and know it’s been hard, these past few miles
A race.. No, a chase? From what I fear most
To know that my body might inhabit such a host
Depression, I swallow the word, for there’s knowledge to what’s at stake
Then, speak to someone about this, hoping I’m not too late
But I still can’t define the feeling clearly, it controls so utterly
What on Earth will they say, when my answer is puppetry?
So they gave out tablets and bottles that rattle at my side
For I made promises to do my best, and now I must abide
Yet what is it that could possibly provide such a will
For I hate to rely on this little white pill
Slowly, then all at once, I feel like me
Basking in the happy glow, of individuality
What seemed so far, is incredibly near
For there’s confidence in myself again and with that is no fear