Nonjudgmental Notebook
I give my love my everything:
The nooks and crannies of my soul.
His mask then fell, unveiled a liar,
Spilled every secret: none untold.
Friends come, they go, all while they know
About my feelings, fears and thoughts,
But never let their secrets show
And gossip every chance they’ve got.
Who do I tell my musings to?
What friend will stick right by my side?
What is a girl supposed to do
When she can’t chit chat or confide?
My paper doesn’t mind at all
If my rhyme scheme should start to fall.
My pen would not care just one bit
If my tetrameter suddenly should quit.
It does not matter when I YELL
Or I desire reticence.
No pressure present to excel,
It MuSt NOT even MakE Much s3ns3?!
And if my spirits become l
Or they are h with ecstasy,
No one will ever even know;
My privacy is guaranteed.
The turning of the page is way
Too hushed for people close to hear.
For once the things I choose to say
Don’t come with any angst or fear.
My secrets hidden in my hands,
I know that they will not be found.
My friends would never understand
So I will keep them safe and sound.
The burden of my feelings lift
With every stroke my pencil writes.
I know my writing will persist
For all my days, through all my nights.