Alexander K  Opicho

(Eldoret, Kenya;


She is an anti-thesis to Maya Angelou’s conscience

She stretches Maya’s awareness beyond rudimentary perfection

She is a public commoner with her insatiable palatability,

She eats French fries and pork like a carnivorous queen

Her instinct cannot save her from curse of pinching,

She is tall and slander with all virtues of beauteous individuality

Which the sagacious Friedrich von Schiller saw in frivolous Cassandra,

She has tattooed nose and ornamented death, not white in taint of alcohol hue

Chains of jewellery around her neck and hands, sea corals as beads around her waist,

She loves rough men like Alexander Pushkin who died in Duel, and the militant Othello

Who only woos by using the vaginal clitoris of the alligator  

As his Casanova’s love voodoo bequeathed to him by his mother,

She spends money from a foreign sweat, in thrifts and thrifts,

She commands unilateral faculty of non-numerical learning

With her indelibility dominating the world of Music and painting,

She dares not to dream of true love, but her faith is in weakness of men

Hot in bed like an Italian pizza oven and cold in reason like tundra climate.


The non phenomenal woman the mother of my first born son,

I took him to Oxford University for a degree course in land law

He came back with a diploma in being a barber, good in shaving!

He is so handsome in pettiness with mighty athletic mediocrity

Vices redolent of maternal genetics in the non phenomenal woman,






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